
The SAABC is represented by five OEMs and automotive suppliers located in all of South Africa’s major automotive manufacturing hubs.

Become a member

We welcome membership enquiries from automotive manufacturing companies with operations in South Africa, as well as local non-automotive manufacturing companies that can identify with and are aligned with our objectives.

About membership

The vision for the SAABC is to focus on the promotion of the growth and competitiveness of the automotive manufacturing sector, and we therefore ask you to consider membership of the SAABC. Participation in the targeted programmes of the SAABC will deliver significant productivity and competitiveness improvements and exposure to a range of genuine growth opportunities.

How to maximise benefit

We recommend that firms consider the following for maximum benefit from SAABC membership:

Strategic alignment: Review SAABC strategic focus areas and identify those which are common to the firm’s own strategic priorities.

Operational alignment: Review SAABC plans for the period ahead and identify key activities of potential benefit.

Participation: Allocate an internal champion to ensure that the interface between the firm and the SAABC is effective and that the firm is positioned to obtain maximum benefit from all relevant activities.

Providing direction: Communicate with the EXCO member responsible for representing your region so that the firm’s interests are represented in decision-making processes.

New opportunities: The SAABC will respond to members’ needs. Communicating company-level problems and challenges to facilitators therefore plays an important role in shaping what we do and what additional future benefit the firms derive from their membership.

For further information, please either call +27 (0) 31 764 6100 or complete the enquiry form below.

Membership enquiry

5 + 10 =


Members include five OEMs, and automotive suppliers representing a variety of sub-sectors, based in each of South Africa’s major automotive centres.